Social media
& why it matters
Regardless of the size of your company, social media governance is something you should care about (a lot). Without proper social media security in place, your company is assuming all kinds of unnecessary risk: legal, compliance, regulatory and reputation. Most of the companies making headlines because their Twitter account got hacked or their social media manager accidentally posted something awful intended for his or her personal account are in that situation because they did not have a proper governance model in place. Protect what you’ve built. Put a governance structure for your organization.
What does good governance look like?
It all begins with a good infrastructure. Just like your company has a formal infrastructure for IT, HR and other key functions, there should be an infrastructure for social media, too. This includes tools, record keeping, archiving and other functions that need to be managed centrally to ensure accuracy, consistency and strategy implementation. Too many companies have no infrastructure for social media, which leads to a total Wild West environment. (Read more about the Wild West.)
Processes & procedures.
Standardizing your social media processes and procedures across the company is one of the smartest things you can do. This prevents people from making up their own rules, and it gives people clear guidelines about what is and is not OK. Without standard operating procedures, it is impossible to responsibly run social media at scale. And, with regulations like GDPR in Europe and the California Consumer Privacy Act, the stakes are now financial, reputational and operational all at once.
Finally, you have to keep your stuff safe. This is extraordinarily difficult in today’s digital age where cyber criminals are looking for vulnerabilities 24/7 and social media platforms themselves have huge data breaches routinely. Safeguarding passwords, controlling who has access to your accounts, putting additional security measures in place and using the right tools can all help mitigate these risks. Nothing is 100% foolproof, but companies that don’t at least try are simply inviting the criminals to attack them.
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Please read more of my tips and thoughts about social media governance below…
Busting my top 5 social media myths
Leading the social media practice at a major company is never boring. And yet, I do find myself sometimes sounding like a broken record – especially when it comes to helping people understand some very basic principles of social media for business. Here are the five social media myths I wish I could bust for the universe at large.
Is your company stuck in the social media Wild West?
If we’re being honest, many companies have not yet figured out what exactly to do with social media. At this point, they know they need it. But there are still dramatic differences in how companies manage, resource and think of social media. … The beginning of corporate social media was all Wild West because it had to be. But now, it is still shocking how many companies (including some of the largest in the world) are still stuck there. Here are a couple of signs your company is still stuck in the Wild West…
The four pillars of good social media governance
Even though social media security breaches have sadly become commonplace, and even though “Our Twitter account got hacked” is a generally acceptable excuse, there is no underscoring how much damage these events can do to your brand. So how do you prevent your company from being the next one in the news for some terrible social media incident?
Don’t be a dinosaur! 3 social media must-dos for companies of any size
If you have not yet thought through your social media security plan, you probably are opening your company to unnecessary risk. You are also basically operating like a dinosaur in modern times. So whether you’re a single-location mom and pop enterprise or a huge global corporation, maybe these governance tips will help. Here are my top three…
Protect your passwords: 4 key tips to deter cybercriminals
If you manage social media for a company, you should do everything you can possibly do to keep your passwords safe. They are literally the keys to your entire social media kingdom. And yet for some reason, many of the world’s largest companies do a really bad job of this. They are in fact, leaving their social media car unlocked in the driveway.
Here are four key things to do to improve your password security dramatically.
Third party apps: don’t leave the window open for cybercriminals
Protecting your primary social media accounts is not enough. You also need to consider anything you have connected to your social media accounts, otherwise known as third-party apps. If you protect your main social accounts but ignore your third-party apps, that’s like locking the front door but leaving the window wide open.