Bring your brand images into focus
Professional communicators continue to put most of their energy, thought and resources into the words they post online while treating the images as an afterthought. If that’s you, it’s time to change your thinking. Images are only becoming more important in the race to capture consumers’ attention.

Clubhouse and voice-only platforms still come with security risks
It’s time to discuss the safety of audio-only platforms. Please – do not make the mistake of assuming that audio-only platforms are in any way safer than their text-based counterparts. Here are a couple of key reminders for these types of platforms as they grow in popularity and prevalence…

Kids and keyboards don’t mix for social media managers
Any parent knows that kids are extremely adept at taking advantage of opportune moments to “play” on mom or dad’s phone. But if you manage your company’s social media accounts, this is actually a risk that you should consider. Case in point: the intriguing mystery of the US Strategic Command Twitter account last week.

What I’m reading…
One silver lining of working for myself has been that I finally had time to tackle the massive pile of books sitting by my living room chair. I love to read, I am a very fast reader and I buy tons of books. But like many of you, my insane life often derails my intentions to expand my horizons by reading. No more! So in the interest of having some fun on Friday, here’s what I’m reading.

Why you shouldn’t let your agency own your ad account
Let me just state for the record that I have never hated agencies, and I know many good ones. I certainly don’t hate them now that I own one myself. But after managing dozens of agency relationships around the world for years, I truly believe that many companies make a big tactical error by trusting their agencies too much – especially when it comes to letting them own your stuff.

5 important lessons from the water treatment plant hack in Florida
As more details are revealed about the attempted hack of a Florida water treatment plant, the more horrifying the picture becomes, especially from a cybersecurity perspective. But we can learn from this and use it as a tale of caution for all businesses – whether you treat water or sell tacos.

3 cybersecurity questions to ask for your business - and your love life
The helpful folks at the National CyberSecurity Alliance put out a lovely tip sheet on how to avoid online romance schemes this Valentine’s Day. These are great tips for the wayward romantics out there, but they are also great tips for general cyber security and protection. Read more about how to protect your company.

Social media is fun, but companies can’t do it just for fun
If there was one thing I wish I could get folks in the business world to understand about social media, it’s this: when you’re doing social media on behalf of your company, it’s OK to have fun. But it cannot be just for fun.

Trendspotting: Social media governance jobs are coming
Large companies will eventually realize they need a head of social media (or digital) governance. It’s honestly a position that is overdue at most large companies doing social media and digital marketing at scale. It’s my prediction that companies may eventually have a couple of FTEs dedicated to social media/digital governance.

Do things differently this Groundhog Day
You cannot improve your social media security by doing things the same way every day. And acting irresponsibly doesn’t help your cause. Social media governance is something that requires constant attention, diligence and effort. Don’t repeat the same thing every day and hope for a different outcome. Do things differently. Here are some tips.

Honor Data Privacy Day by taking action
Many companies – especially consumer-facing brands – rightfully spend a lot of time and effort worrying about the privacy and protection of consumers’ data. However, many of these same companies completely fall down on the job when it comes to protecting the data of their own employees who are managing all of their social media accounts.

Taking Awesome Photos with Your Phone
Social media managers and marketing professionals are increasingly asked to take images with only their cell phones. Here’s my my No. 1 tip for taking photos with your phone.

Viral moments can’t be engineered – you gotta just feel the Bern
You cannot engineer a viral moment. You cannot force something “go viral,” even with a lot of money. But if we deconstruct the commonalities of our most viral memes, there are a few shared characteristics that are noteworthy…

No, we can’t all be like Wendy’s
Leaders love to ask “Why can’t we be more like Wendy’s on social media?” But the truth is that not every company should aspire to be “like Wendy’s” on social. What works for one company and brand will not necessarily work for another. Here’s what you should ask instead.

To protect your brand, protect your social media
I wonder how many brand executives think about protecting their social media as part of their brand safety efforts? I’d guess it’s not many. But they should.

Fundamentals of a good social media audit
I know – nothing says please stop reading now more than the word “audit.” But there are real reasons that auditing your social media presence is important - from security to risk and compliance. Here’s what a good social media audit should entail and an argument for why it’s so important.

Six ways companies get locked out of their own social media accounts - and how to avoid them
Sadly, one of the most common social media problems companies encounter is a basic one: they do not know the passwords to their own social media accounts and they are locked out. Here’s my list of the six most common reasons companies find themselves locked out of their own accounts – and how to avoid them.

Social media managers beware: smishing scams
Social media security experts including me recommend wholeheartedly that people enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for their social media accounts. More security is always a good thing. But a word to the wise, especially for my poor overworked social media managers out there: Be extra suspicious of text messages – especially those that ask you to click a link and those you did not request.

Third-party apps: don’t leave the window open for cybercriminals
Protecting your primary social media accounts is not enough. You also need to consider anything you have connected to your social media accounts, otherwise known as third-party apps. If you protect your main social accounts but ignore your third-party apps, that’s like locking the front door but leaving the window wide open.