In honor of Data Privacy Week, the top 5 social media governance mistakes
In honor of Data Privacy Week 2025, let’s revisit the top mistakes companies make when it comes to keeping their social media footprint secure and safe.

My 8 Takeaways from the NISM 2024 Social Media Job Study
My 8 top takeaways from the 2024 National Institute for Social Media Job Study. If you’re among the elite club of masochists who do social media for a living, I promise you will see yourself represented here and possibly gain some solace in knowing you are not alone. If you don’t work in social, this will help you understand and appreciate your social team more.

Is my Facebook page really disabled? Here’s how to check.
If you manage a Facebook page on behalf of a business or company, chances are pretty high that you have received a message saying something like “Your Facebook page has been disabled due to violation of our community standards.” But very often (read: almost all of the time) these messages are fake – and learning to identify the spam is important so you can tell if your page is really in trouble. And, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I just had a client report this same phishing scam on LinkedIn. So it appears the scammers may be migrating over to new platforms.

Password security lessons from the MGM hack…
I’ll say it till the day I die: digital governance MATTERS. MGM is just the latest (very public) example. Leaders at companies big and small fail to understand that digital hacks can have very real financial and reputational impacts.

Twitter 2FA change is ringing my cybersecurity alarm bells
Twitter’s announcement that it will now only offer two-factor authentication (2FA) to people who pay for a Twitter Blue subscription should be setting off alarm bells in corporate IT and cybersecurity operations. Here’s why and what to do about it.

Your online security is up to YOU
Many consumers erroneously assume that companies like Facebook, Twitter and Apple are doing all they can to protect your online information. But it’s just not true. Bottom line: Your online security is up to YOU.

Companies: pull your heads out of the social media security sand
Here’s an ugly truth: most companies spend little to no time considering social media governance and security – even though ransomware, malware and other cyber attacks are on the rise and cost big-name companies millions of dollars every year. That’s the equivalent of sticking your head in the cybersecurity sand. But I think there are signs that 2022 may be the year this really changes.

5 reasons to include social media in your M&A planning
Companies that grow by merger or acquisition often have long and elaborate processes for executing those deals. And almost all of them neglect to include social media either entirely or until way too late in the process. Unsurprisingly, I believe this is a critical mistake. Here’s why…

Social media security is all about identity management
If I could have 5 minutes of every CIO, CTO and CRO’s time, I would use it to tell them two things:
Managing social media is increasingly a massive exercise in identity management.
Your organization probably has a huge blind spot in this area.

Going digital in a pandemic: the data tells the story
I love mucking around in a good data set, especially when it is super interesting. There are two such data sets that were released last week, and both of them have applications for companies interested in social media or digital marketing. Let’s dive in.

Identity Management Day: Let’s address a gap in understanding
I cannot tell you how big the divide is between the people who actually manage social media for a company and people like business leaders and IT decision makers. I would classify it as a prime example of what I call “a gap in understanding.” At its core, the reason for this gap is completely understandable and simplistic in explanation: the right people are not having the right conversations. Here’s why.

Clubhouse and voice-only platforms still come with security risks
It’s time to discuss the safety of audio-only platforms. Please – do not make the mistake of assuming that audio-only platforms are in any way safer than their text-based counterparts. Here are a couple of key reminders for these types of platforms as they grow in popularity and prevalence…

Kids and keyboards don’t mix for social media managers
Any parent knows that kids are extremely adept at taking advantage of opportune moments to “play” on mom or dad’s phone. But if you manage your company’s social media accounts, this is actually a risk that you should consider. Case in point: the intriguing mystery of the US Strategic Command Twitter account last week.

Why you shouldn’t let your agency own your ad account
Let me just state for the record that I have never hated agencies, and I know many good ones. I certainly don’t hate them now that I own one myself. But after managing dozens of agency relationships around the world for years, I truly believe that many companies make a big tactical error by trusting their agencies too much – especially when it comes to letting them own your stuff.

5 important lessons from the water treatment plant hack in Florida
As more details are revealed about the attempted hack of a Florida water treatment plant, the more horrifying the picture becomes, especially from a cybersecurity perspective. But we can learn from this and use it as a tale of caution for all businesses – whether you treat water or sell tacos.

3 cybersecurity questions to ask for your business - and your love life
The helpful folks at the National CyberSecurity Alliance put out a lovely tip sheet on how to avoid online romance schemes this Valentine’s Day. These are great tips for the wayward romantics out there, but they are also great tips for general cyber security and protection. Read more about how to protect your company.

Trendspotting: Social media governance jobs are coming
Large companies will eventually realize they need a head of social media (or digital) governance. It’s honestly a position that is overdue at most large companies doing social media and digital marketing at scale. It’s my prediction that companies may eventually have a couple of FTEs dedicated to social media/digital governance.

Do things differently this Groundhog Day
You cannot improve your social media security by doing things the same way every day. And acting irresponsibly doesn’t help your cause. Social media governance is something that requires constant attention, diligence and effort. Don’t repeat the same thing every day and hope for a different outcome. Do things differently. Here are some tips.

Honor Data Privacy Day by taking action
Many companies – especially consumer-facing brands – rightfully spend a lot of time and effort worrying about the privacy and protection of consumers’ data. However, many of these same companies completely fall down on the job when it comes to protecting the data of their own employees who are managing all of their social media accounts.

To protect your brand, protect your social media
I wonder how many brand executives think about protecting their social media as part of their brand safety efforts? I’d guess it’s not many. But they should.